General Course

How do we schedule our training?

Oz Skills Careers College provides training specific to each employer site and learning location. We work closely with our employers to develop a standard training schedule for the workplace where staff will be provided with rostered hours to undertake their face to face training working on a 3 to 6 week schedule. This is dependent on the level of program being offered and training needs of the venue.

Learning & Assessment Methods

All our training is delivered in the workplace through face to face learning methodologies. We provide all learning and assessment tools for students, which they are able to keep for future reference as they navigate their role in the workplace. All assessments are conducted using three (3) tools, written assessment task provided in their resources, Supervisor Report completed back in the workplace and Trainer observation. Students are prepared for all assessments throughout their learning sessions and all activities are discussed with the students prior to conduct of assessment.

Who is involved in training?

As part of the learning experience, we engage with supervisors and managers at each of our employers to take part in the learning and assessment processes of students undertaking training. This provides the employers and students with their specific workplace based experience to ensure they can apply the skills and knowledge learnt, back in the workplace.  Therefore applying Return on Investment to each and every employer. Our trainers also work with each venue to observe and assess in the workplace to ensure skills are applied as per venue specific requirements.